Monday, February 4, 2008

Miami New Times: Protest against Posado Carriles goes haywire in Cuban community

Protest against 80-year-old Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles goes haywire. Posada - " a militant anti-Castro exile and accused terrorist" - has been tied to a 1997 bombing in Havanna that struck the hotel of the protest leader.
"The next afternoon, Benjamin appeared on a Spanish-language talk/comedy show, Arrebatados, on América TeVe (Channel 41). That's where, she recalls, another guest, Enrique Encinosa, clued her in that Codepink might receive, well, a Miami welcome. "He said he was a good friend of (80-year-old Cuban exile Luis) Posada Carriles," she recalls. "And I shouldn't be surprised if someone 'cracked my head like a coconut.'"

After the show, she issued a press release. Soon her phone began ringing. In both Spanish and English, callers had choice words. "There were veiled threats. They called me 'Communist c-nt' and threatened to get me. After that show, we started getting nervous."

"Okay, so why didn't you stop then?" I ask her.

"This is a mafia town," Benjamin says. "Everyone is mucked up with each other in a conspiracy to support the violent, right-wing Cubans."

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