Wednesday, March 12, 2008

WSJ: The story behind the Obama music videos - mariachi and reggaeton

On a plane last year, Miguel Orozco closed his copy of Sen. Barack Obama's memoir, "The Audacity of Hope," and decided he wanted to help introduce the presidential candidate to fellow Hispanics. Mr. Orozco, a producer of educational films who isn't a musician, took out a pen and began writing a song for Mr. Obama on a napkin. ......
Last month, a Chicago supporter contacted Mr. Orozco requesting permission to play the "Como se Dice" reggaeton and a video that Mr. Orozco made with photos and speeches of the candidate. It was played at an Obama event in the heart of Latino Chicago on the city's South Side. In attendance was Irma Ruiz-Nakachi of Glenview, Ill., who had been feeling detached from the Obama campaign as a Latina. When she heard the reggaeton, she says, "the words were so awesome and inspirational. It made me feel that Latinos can connect to the campaign."

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