Mexico's Televisa, the largest Spanish-language media company on the planet, wants to reach English-speaking Latinos in the US. In my humble opinion, Televisa's the wrong organization to tackle this. For one, Mexican companies notoriously hire only insiders from the leading families in Mexico. In other words, you've got a management team that gives preference to incestuous connections over competence. For two, they are Mexicans, which means they don't get Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans on the mainland, Cuban-Americans or anybody who see themselves as Americans. And that's the entire bilingual English-dominant part of the US Latino audience.
It's just hard for foreigners to fathom how we see the world from a USA point of view. Anecdotally, most foreign nationals I've met define being "Latino" as being a foreigner, something other than an American. We'll see how this goes.
Loins Gate could on the other hand approach this market well if they just hired and promoted more US Latinos into positions of authority and power. That'll never happen.