Friday, August 31, 2007

AOL Latino goes "America Idol" with Fashionista reality series, but why

A few weeks back, I commented that Univision exposed that its on-line thinking was so off-line when it announced a telenovela for the web. I stand by that. If it could be used off-line, then it really doesn't take advantage of power of interaction, interconnection and interactivity of the net. So why bother. It's not going to give you any competitive advantage. Someone will just steal it and post it on YouTube just like NBC's Saturday Night Live's skit Lazy Sunday. By the way that stolen piece of content propelled YouTube and its founders into the realm of the super wealthy. YouTube takes full advantage of the interaction, interconnection and interconnectivity of the Net. A show does not.

So why did AOL Latino attempt a reality TV series ala American Idol for the web? You got me.

AOL Latino Preens For Fashionista Finale
Finalists for AOL Latino's online reality design contest, Fashionista, will be featured in separate webisodes on Friday before the winner is announced that day.

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